The Review Summary shows a summary of all the reviews left by other DAT users about this office. It includes the number of reviews, overall star rating and rating breakdown as well as the ratings for each dimension, such as Punctuality for a carrier or Load As Described for a broker.

Click the Reviews tab or Read all reviews to view the full text of all the reviews written about the office. Use the advanced filters to refine what reviews are shown. You can filter by attributes like star rating or one of the review dimensions such as Punctuality. You can also sort the order that the reviews are listed by using the sort by menu.

To view all reviews by a particular reviewer, click on that reviewer's nickname. A new browser tab will open with all reviews and review comments by that user. To visit the profile page for any reviewer's office, click on the link next to the word Company after the review content.

Click Write a review to open the review submission form. The form enables you to add an overall rating (required) as well as ratings for each dimension. You must also include a review summary and a review (minimum 50 characters). The guidelines for writing reviews are:

  • Keep your review or comment focused on the company you partnered with to move a load
  • Do not review any offices or companies with which you are affiliated
  • Avoid writing about DAT customer service; contact us instead if you have issues with DAT products that require attention
  • Refrain from mentioning competitors or specific prices related to the load
  • Do not include any personally identifiable information, such as full names
  • To formally report a bad player to DAT please fill out this form instead of leaving a review

You must create a nickname when leaving your first review. For privacy reasons, do not use your full name or email address.

All reviews are read and moderated. Please allow up to 72 hours for a submitted review to be published.