What are customer reviews?

Customer reviews are ratings and feedback left by DAT customers about other DAT companies with whom they have worked. Each review must include 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) stars as well as 50 characters describing the interaction which is being reviewed.


Who can I review? Who can review me?

  • Brokers can review Carriers
  • Shippers can review Carriers
  • Carriers can review Brokers
  • Carriers can review Shippers
  • Brokers/Carriers can review Brokers/Carriers/Shippers

How do I find a company to read their reviews?

If you would like to see review content on an office regardless of whether you are able to review them, first locate the office you would like to review. If you know the Docket#, DOT#, Intrastate# or phone/fax, you can use the Quick Search form in the upper right of the page to quickly locate the appropriate office. To search by name, city/state/postal code or a combination of other information, click on Search Directory at the upper left of the page, then click on I want to find a specific office so I can read reviews.


Are reviews moderated?

Yes. Every review is read by a moderator and must meet our review guidelines. Reviews that do not meet the review guidelines will not be published to DAT Directory. The review guidelines are:

  • Keep your review or comment focused on the company you partnered with to move a load
  • Do not review any offices or companies with which you are affiliated
  • Avoid writing about DAT customer service; contact us instead if you have issues with DAT products that require attention
  • Refrain from mentioning competitors or specific prices related to the load
  • Do not include any personally identifiable information, such as full names
  • To formally report a bad player to DAT please fill out this form instead of leaving a review

Why didn't my review get published?

If you submitted a review that does not appear in DAT Directory it was either moderated and rejected or is still awaiting moderation. Please allow up to 72 hours for the moderation process to complete. Please consult the review guidelines (see above) before writing a review to reduce the chances your review will be rejected.


What do the stars represent?

Each review features a star rating ranging from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). The stars shown in the review summary are the overall rating for the office. It is equivalent to the office's average rating (sum of all stars given divided by the number of reviews the office has received).


What does Rating Breakdown mean?

The Rating Breakdown shows the distribution of reviews at each star level. For instance, how many 5 star reviews the office received, how many 4 star, etc.


What does a dimension mean?

A dimension is a criteria by which a carrier or load provider can be evaluated. The dimensions differ depending on whether a carrier or broker/shipper is being reviewed. Reviewers have the option to add a rating of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) on criteria such as punctuality, care of freight, load as described, etc.. In the review summary the office's average rating for each dimension is displayed.


How can I view all the reviews left on my office?

To view all the reviews left on your office, click the My Office tab at the top of the page. Your profile page will display the review summary, including your overall rating, rating breakdown and dimensions. To see the reviews, click "Read all reviews" or the Reviews tab at the top of the page.


Why can't I write or reply to a review?

Whether users can read, write or reply to reviews is set by DAT customer support based on the requests made by your company. If you cannot write a review or reply to reviews about your office, please ask the DAT contact in your office for those permissions. Edits to permissions must be made to DAT customer support by authorized users.


How can I see the reviews and comments left by others in my office or company?

To see a list of everyone in your office or company that has left reviews, click on the Review Requests or Manage Reputation tab and then the Reviewers tab located under the page heading. To view the reviews and comments for any user, click on their Nickname. All that user's content will show in a new browser tab or window.


What If I received a review request but I have never worked with them before?

Do not review companies you have not worked with. DAT users value authentic feedback about interaction between companies. If you have not worked with a company before, delete the request.


Can I change my nickname?

No, once your nickname has been chosen, it is permanent and cannot be changed.


Can I remove or change a review I wrote?

Reviews can only be removed by submitting a 2nd review. The first review will be replaced by the new one.


Can I reply to reviews left for other offices within my company?

Large companies that have several offices in the DAT Directory can designate users to reply to reviews for any office. If you have such permission, you will see a Manage Reputation tab in the top level navigation. The Reviews tab for these users lists all the offices that have reviews. To view that office's profile page, click on the name of the office. To view all the reviews for that office, click the button labeled See Reviews. To reply to any review, click the Comment link under the review content.


Can I report a review or comment as inappropriate?

Yes. Under any review, click the link report inappropriate content, enter text to describe the issue and click submit. Reviews that are reported as inappropriate by several users will be moderated again.


Can I see who requested a review?

Yes. To view the requests your office received, click Review Requests or Manage Reputation, then Inbox.


How can I see all the reviews I wrote?

To view all your reviews, click on the Manage Reputation or Review Requests tab and then the link Show all reviews by me. A new browser tab or window will open showing all the content you have contributed.


How can I reply to a review?

To reply to a review, locate the review in question and click the Comment button after the review. It is recommended you think carefully and read the comment guidelines before replying to any reviews.