This page shows all of the information that we have on this company. To jump to a specific section, use the navigation pane on the left. A color indicator may be displayed for the carrier. To change these settings, visit the Qualification Settings tab under Account Settings:

  • Yellow (Caution): The carrier's data matches your settings for caution.
  • Red (Warning): The carrier's data matches your settings for warning.

An explanation of the issues will appear at the top of the page. You will also find a colored circle in the navigation pane for any section that contains a problem.

For advice on what to look for when validating a new carrier and a full definition of the color coding, please refer to the CarrierWatch Users Guide or watch the tutorials provided on the resources page.

You can perform a number of activities from this page:

  1. To add or remove the carrier from your watchlist, click the appropriate link at the top of the page
  2. If the carrier is on your watchlist, you can add personal notes about this carrier and associate them with a specific vendor ID in your TMS. To do this click the link entitled that appears right below the issues bar Edit Vendor ID and Notes
  3. You can print a time-stamped copy of the carrier details, or save it in PDF format by clicking the appropriate link at the top of the page
  4. You can take a look at this carrier's information in the FMCSA Licensing and Insurance web site by clicking on the Docket number in the general information section
  5. You can visit this carrier's entry on the safer website by clicking the DOT number, again in the general information section
  6. If you have a TIA Watchdog account (see Account Settings) you can click the Watchdog link next to the carrier's name, to see if there are any reports on this carrier
  7. To perform further research on this carrier, click on the Alias Search link. This will find other companies that may be related. For example, this search will find other docket numbers (broker or carrier) operating out of this location or using the same telephone or fax number.
  8. In the SafeStat history section, you can click on the SafeStat link to this carrier's details on the SafeStat online website, or click on the ISS Recommendations link, to see whether or not this carrier is recommended for a compliance review
  9. Premium subscribers can view the carrier's insurance certificate, by clicking on the certificate icon, in the Insurance section.
  10. You can also check out the carrier's insurance underwriter by clicking on the AM Best icon. In order to do this you will need to register with A.M. Best. Registration is free.